GoLogics Mentoring

I mentored the 1st GoLogics mentorship of the Superlógica Group. In this mentorship, we follow some of Alura's courses!
First week
- Classic games part 1: Getting started with Javascript with Pong https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-pong-javascript
- Classic games part 2: loops and lists with Javascript https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-javascript-listas-lacos
We made the Pong game using https://scratch.mit.edu/ and also using Javascript in the editor https://editor.p5js.org/:
Also developing a cart game:
Second week
- HTML5 and CSS3 Part 1: The First Web Page https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-html5-css3-primeiros-passos
- HTML5 and CSS3 part 2: Positioning, lists and navigation https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-html5-css3-posicionamento-listas-navegacao We made our first barbershop website with HTML and CSS.
Third week HTML5 and CSS3 part 3: Working with forms and tables. https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-html5-css3-formularios-tabelas HTML5 and CSS3 part 4: Advancing CSS. https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-html5-css3-avancando-css
We continue our website with a form to contact the barbershop.
Fourth week JS on the Web: Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-javascript-manipulacao-dom EXTRA - Git and Github: Control and share your code https://www.alura.com.br/curso-online-git-github-controle-de-versao
We created a task list using HTML, CSS and manipulating the DOM with JS. Also, we learned how to version our code with GIT.
Final Challenge You will develop a rocket game with p5.js, place it inside an HTML page and upload it to a repository on GITHUB.
- The game must contain a ship (actor) and rockets (enemies)
- The ship can only fly left and right
- Rockets can only travel in a straight line
- The ship must dodge the rockets, if any rocket hits the ship, you LOSE
- For each rocket that the ship diverts, it must count one point
- Enemies can spawn anywhere on the X axis, remember to limit the screen width
- Enemies can have random speed Make the ship shoot and when it hits a rocket, destroy it and add a point. To generate some random number use the following function:
- Math.random() * (maximum - minimum) + minimum Reference: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_random.asp
Game operation video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yN3hFyqR5wsD9J3P_gf1eAY7FKY0u6UC/view?usp=sharing
HTML PAGE: The page will have:
- a Header with the title of your game
- the embedded game
- a Game evaluation form
REPOSITORY: Upload the HTML, CSS code in the GITHUB repository created by you https://github.com/kibolho/GoLogics---HTML-CSS-e-JS