Abílio Azevedo.

Course ReactJS, Hooks, Recoil, TDD, Clean Architecture, SOLID

Cover Image for Course ReactJS, Hooks, Recoil, TDD, Clean Architecture, SOLID
Abílio Azevedo
Abílio Azevedo

It will help a lot in the architecture that we are putting together at work. A good architecture goes far beyond the code, it directly helps in the scale and maintenance of the business. In addition to making the change of frameworks and libs more flexible, which in a crazy market is important to give professionals freedom.

We developed a survey response application, with:

  • Login;
  • Signup;
  • Listing of Surveys;
  • Questions and Sending the answers;

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Factory Health Monitor

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Abílio Azevedo
Abílio Azevedo
Cover Image for Upload to AWS S3 using Django, Boto3 and S3Direct

Upload to AWS S3 using Django, Boto3 and S3Direct

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Abílio Azevedo
Abílio Azevedo


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Experienced Software Engineer with degree in Electrical Engineering with over 8 years of hands-on expertise in building robust and scalable mobile, web and backend applications across various projects mainly in the fintech sector. Mobile (React Native), Web (React and Next.JS) and Backend (Node.JS, PHP and DJANGO). My goal is to create products that add value to people. - © 2024, Abílio Azevedo