PJBank e Gruvi - Superlógica

What a journey my friends! Worthy of that cliché: "It felt like 10 years". Checked in as Senior Developer, got promoted to Specialist and ended up as Software Engineering Manager. These promotions represented the technical and product deliveries that I was able to make together with my team.
I arrived with the challenge of developing the PJBank miniapp within the Gruvi superapp, which is the application for groups of neighbors. We developed the miniapp with a clean architecture, which allowed us to use the same codebase to recreate the PJBank standalone application. I was responsible for the technical and product decisions that enabled us to have a B2B fintech arm (PJ digital account and corporate card) and B2C (PF digital wallet) for the condominium public of the Gruvi super app through our miniapps and reuse the code in a new standalone app for the broader B2B audience. In the video below you can see the result:
There were several documented sprints:
Thank you team for the journey we face! To the next!